DEC 20

Make The Right Choice: Select High-Index Eyeglasses

When it is time for many people to choose a new pair of eyeglasses, they will only spend time looking at the frames. While choosing the right frames is important, choosing the right lenses are also important. If you choose the wrong lenses, your quality of vision will be negatively impacted. Not only will your vision be negatively impacted, so will your safety and your appearance.

There are so many lens materials to choose from. If you really want to choose the right lenses for your eyes, you should check with your eye care professional for the best recommendation of lens material. When you need additional features and add-ons, you should select those based on the type of quality you wish to have.

There is a standard plastic lens material that is thick, but not impact resistant. This plastic material is made from older technology. These lenses are usually the cheapest type of lens material that you will find.

If you are looking for lenses that are thin and light, you may consider polycarbonate lenses. Polycarbonate lenses also offer you the ultimate protection from the harmful ultraviolet rays. A great thing about polycarbonate lenses is that they are impact resistant and they will not shatter. If you need eyeglasses that will give you the ultimate protection while working or participating in sporting activities, polycarbonate lenses are a great choice.

If you think polycarbonate lenses sound great, you will definitely love the look and feel of high-index lenses. High-index lenses are also thin and light, but they are thinner and lighter than the amazing polycarbonate lenses. High-index lenses can also protect you from UV rays. There is not just one level of high-index lenses; there are many levels.

The level of high-index lenses you choose should be determined by the prescription you have been given as well as what you prefer. If you have been given a strong or high prescription, you will likely be given a recommendation for high-index lenses. Your eye care professional will help lead you in the right direction so you can choose the best lenses for your needs.

One of the most important things you should remember when choosing prescription eye-wear is making sure you get the right fit. There are many people who are not familiar with how to fit the frame to their face. Some people will choose any type of frame, without thinking about the shape of their face. You do not want to constantly push your glasses up or down because they do not fit properly.

No one wants to be constantly bothered by uncomfortable glasses. This is why it is important to make sure you understand how to choose frames and lenses. You want frames and lenses that will match the shape of your face. Researching various brands and trying on different glasses can definitely help.

We understand you may want to walk into the store or the eye doctor’s office and not stay in there all day. However, you want to make sure you have everything right the first time. If you purchase a pair of glasses and discover they do not fit properly or that you are struggling to see out of the lenses, you will have to make another trip.

When you take the time to do things right the first time, you will certainly be pleased with the results. Is it time for you to get a new pair of eyeglasses? Have you been given a strong prescription? Do you want lenses that will protect your eyes, make you look great, and make you feel comfortable? If you answered yes to all these questions, ask your eye care professional about high-index lenses.

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